** |
1 - Ed.orig.: The Spike: How Our Lives Are Being Transformed By Rapidly Advancing Technologies, Damien Broderick
Tor Books [english]
- saggistica, H+
* |
2 - Ed.orig.: Mutare o perire. La sfida del transumanesimo, Riccardo Campa
Sestante Edizioni [italiano]
- saggistica, H+
***** |
3 - Ed.orig.: The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes and Its Implications, David Deutsch
Penguin [english]
- saggistica, C
**** |
4 - Ed.orig.: Supermen: Tales of the Posthuman Future, Gardner Dozois
St. Martin's Griffin [english]
- narrativa, H+
**** |
5 - Ed.orig.: Schild's Ladder, Greg Egan
Eos [english]
La scala di Schild
- narrativa, H+
*** |
6 - Ed.orig.: Permutation City, Greg Egan
Eos [italiano]
Permutation City
- narrativa, C
**** |
7 - Ed.orig.: Umanità Accresciuta, Giuseppe Granieri
Laterza [italiano]
- saggistica, C
**** |
8 - Ed.orig.: Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind, Moravec
Oxford University Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
***** |
9 - Ed.orig.: The Singularity Is Near. When Human Transcend Biology, Ray Kurzweil
Viking [english]
- saggistica, H+
*** |
10 - Ed.orig.: Fantastic Voyage. Live Long Enough to Live Forever, Ray Kurzweil
Rodale Books [english]
- saggistica, H+
**** |
11 - Ed.orig.: The Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the Human Mind, Marvin Minsky
Simon & Schuster [english]
- saggistica, H+
**** |
12 - Ed.orig.: Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence, Hans Moravec
Harvard University Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
*** |
13 - Ed.orig.: The Future of the Brain: The Promise and Perils of Tomorrow's Neuroscience, Steven Rose
Oxford University Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
*** |
14 - Ed.orig.: Mindscan, Robert J. Sawyer
Tor Science Fiction [english]
Urania, Mondadori, n. 1525
- narrativa, C
***** |
15 - Ed.orig.: A New Kind of Science, Stephen Wolfram
Wolfram, Inc. [english]
- saggistica, C