*** |
1 - Ed.orig.: Cyborg Citizen: Politics in the Posthuman Age, Chris Habl Gray
Routledge [english]
- saggistica, H+
*** |
2 - Ed.orig.: Digital People: From Bionic Humans to Androids, Sidney Perkowitz
Joseph Henry Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
** |
3 - Ed.orig.: Digital People: From Bionic Humans to Androids, Sidney Perkowitz
Joseph Henry Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
* |
4 - Ed.orig.: Flesh and Machines: How Robots Will Change Us, Rodney Brooks
Pantheon [english]
- saggistica, H+
**** |
5 - Ed.orig.: Les utopies posthumaines. Contre-culture, cyberculture, culture du caos, Rémi Sussan
Omniscience [fran�ais]
- saggistica, H+
***** |
6 - Ed.orig.: More than Human. Embracing the Promise of Biological Enhancement, Ramez Naam
Broadway [english]
- saggistica, H+
***** |
7 - Ed.orig.: Nanofuture: What's Next For Nanotechnology, Josh Storrs Hall
Prometheus Books [english]
- saggistica, H+
* |
8 - Ed.orig.: Robo sapiens: Evolution of a New Species, Peter Menzel
The MIT Press [italiano]
- saggistica, H+
**** |
9 - Ed.orig.: Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind, Moravec
Oxford University Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
***** |
10 - Ed.orig.: Technophobia!: Science Fiction Visions of Posthuman Technology, Daniel Dinello
University of Texas Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
* |
11 - Ed.orig.: The Fourth Discontinuity: The Co-Evolution of Humans and Machines, Bruce Mazlish
Yale University Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
** |
12 - Ed.orig.: The Spike: How Our Lives Are Being Transformed By Rapidly Advancing Technologies, Damien Broderick
Tor Books [english]
- saggistica, H+
* |
13 - Ed.orig.: Visions. How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century and Beyond, Michio Kaku
Oxford Paperbacks [english]
- saggistica, H+