***** |
1 - Ed.orig.: Life, Liberty, and the Defense of Dignity: The Challenge for Bioethics, Leon R. Kass
Encounter Books [english]
La sfida della bioetica. La vita, la libertà e la difesa della dignità umana
- saggistica, H+
***** |
2 - Ed.orig.: Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution, Francis Fukuyama
Picador [english]
L'uomo oltre l'uomo. Le conseguenze della rivoluzione biotecnologica
- saggistica, H+
***** |
3 - Ed.orig.: Human Dignity in the Biotech Century: A Christian Vision for Public Policy, Charles W. Colson (Editor), Nigel M. De S. Cameron (Editor), Nigel M. De S. Cameron (Editor)
InterVarsity Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
***** |
4 - Ed.orig.: Enough : Staying Human in an Engineered Age, Bill McKibben
Owl Books [english]
- saggistica, H+
***** |
5 - Ed.orig.: Posthumanism (Readers in Cultural Criticism), Neil Badmington (Editor)
Palgrave Macmillan2000 [english]
- saggistica, H+
***** |
6 - Ed.orig.: Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation, and Opportunity, Lynn E. Foster
Prentice Hall PTR [english]
- saggistica, H+
***** |
7 - Ed.orig.: Rapture: How Biotech Became the New Religion. A Raucous Tour of Cloning, Transhumanism, and the New Era of Immortality, Brian Alexander
Basic Books / Perseus Book Group [english]
- saggistica, H+
***** |
8 - Ed.orig.: Human Cloning and Human Dignity. The Report of the President's Council on Bioethics, Leon R. Kass
Publicaffairs/Perseus Books Group [english]
- saggistica, H+
***** |
9 - Ed.orig.: Nanofuture: What's Next For Nanotechnology, Josh Storrs Hall
Prometheus Books [english]
- saggistica, H+
***** |
10 - Ed.orig.: The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes and Its Implications, David Deutsch
Penguin [english]
- saggistica, C
**** |
11 - Ed.orig.: Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind, Moravec
Oxford University Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
**** |
12 - Ed.orig.: The Survival Imperative: Using Space to Protect Earth, William E. Burrows
Oxford University Press, USA [english]
- saggistica, H+
**** |
13 - Ed.orig.: The Next Fifty Years, Science in the First Half of the Twenty-First Century, John Brockman, ed.
Edge by Vintage Books [english]
- saggistica, H+
**** |
14 - Ed.orig.: The Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the Human Mind, Marvin Minsky
Simon & Schuster [english]
- saggistica, H+
**** |
15 - Ed.orig.: Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology, Eric Drexler
Anchor [english]
- saggistica, H+
**** |
16 - Ed.orig.: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions , Thomas Kuhn
University Of Chicago Press [english]
La struttura delle rivoluzioni scientifiche
- saggistica, C
*** |
17 - Ed.orig.: Digital People: From Bionic Humans to Androids, Sidney Perkowitz
Joseph Henry Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
*** |
18 - Ed.orig.: The Cyborg Handbook, Chris Gray
Routledge [english]
- saggistica, H+
*** |
19 - Ed.orig.: Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence, Andy Clark
Oxford University Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
*** |
20 - Ed.orig.: Beyond Earth: The Future of Humans in Space, Bob Krone
Collector's Guide Publishing Inc [english]
- saggistica, H+
*** |
21 - Ed.orig.: The Case against Perfection: Ethics in the Age of Genetic Engineering, Michael J. Sandel
Belknap Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
*** |
22 - Ed.orig.: The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins
Houghton Mifflin [english]
- saggistica, C
*** |
23 - Ed.orig.: Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature, Donna J. Haraway
Routledge [english]
- saggistica, C
*** |
24 - Ed.orig.: Genome. The Story of the Most Astonishing Scientific Adventure of Our Time: the Attempt to Map All the Genes in the Human Body, Jerry E. Bishop, Michael Waldholz
Simon & Schuster [english]
- saggistica, C
** |
25 - Ed.orig.: Digital Soul: Intelligent Machines and Human Values, Thomas M. Georges
Westview Press [italiano]
- saggistica, H+
** |
26 - Ed.orig.: The Intelligent Universe: AI, ET, and the Emerging Mind of the Cosmos, James N. Gardner
New Page Books [english]
- saggistica, H+
** |
27 - Ed.orig.: Babies by Design: The Ethics of Genetic Choice, Ronald M. Green
Yale University Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
** |
28 - Ed.orig.: Digital People: From Bionic Humans to Androids, Sidney Perkowitz
Joseph Henry Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
** |
29 - Ed.orig.: Entering Space: Creating a Spacefaring Civilization, Robert Zubrin
Tarcher [english]
- saggistica, H+
** |
30 - Ed.orig.: Science, Seeds and Cyborgs: Biotechnology and the Appropriation of Life, Finn Bowring
Verso [english]
- saggistica, H+
** |
31 - Ed.orig.: The Spike: How Our Lives Are Being Transformed By Rapidly Advancing Technologies, Damien Broderick
Tor Books [english]
- saggistica, H+
** |
32 - Ed.orig.: Unbounding the Future: The Nanotechnology Revolution, Eric Drexler and Chris Peterson
Quill [english]
- saggistica, H+
** |
33 - Ed.orig.: Society of Mind, Marvin Minsky
Simon & Schuster [english]
La società della mente
- saggistica, C
** |
34 - Ed.orig.: Intelligent Thought: Science versus the Intelligent Design Movement, John Brockman, ed.
Edge by Random House [english]
- saggistica, C
** |
35 - Ed.orig.: Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, Daniel C. Dennett
Penguin [english]
- saggistica, C
** |
36 - Ed.orig.: Dr. Atkins' Health Revolution: How Complementary Medicine can Extend Your Life, Robert C. Atkins
Bantam [english]
- saggistica, C
** |
37 - Ed.orig.: The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design, Leonard Susskind
ittle, Brown and Company [english]
- saggistica, C
* |
38 - Ed.orig.: The Dance of the Molecules: How Nanotechnology is Changing Our Lives, Ted Sargent
Thunder's Mouth Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
* |
39 - Ed.orig.: Guiding Icarus: Merging Bioethics with Corporate Interests, Rahul K. Dhanda
Wiley-Liss [english]
- saggistica, H+
* |
40 - Ed.orig.: Tomorrow Now: Envisioning the Next 50 Years, Bruce Sterling
Random House [english]
- saggistica, H+
* |
41 - Ed.orig.: Flesh and Machines: How Robots Will Change Us, Rodney Brooks
Pantheon [english]
- saggistica, H+
* |
42 - Ed.orig.: The Fourth Discontinuity: The Co-Evolution of Humans and Machines, Bruce Mazlish
Yale University Press [english]
- saggistica, H+
* |
43 - Ed.orig.: Robo sapiens: Evolution of a New Species, Peter Menzel
The MIT Press [italiano]
- saggistica, H+
* |
44 - Ed.orig.: Return to the Moon: Exploration, Enterprise, and Energy in the Human Settlement of Space, Harrison H. Schmitt
Springer [english]
- saggistica, C
* |
45 - Ed.orig.: Programming the Universe: A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes On the Cosmos, Seth Lloyd
Knopf [english]
- saggistica, C
* |
46 - Ed.orig.: Third Culture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution, John Brockman, ed.
Touchstone [english]
- saggistica, C